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(804) 934-9340


What is a neuroma?

A neuroma forms when part of your nerve tissue thickens. Neuromas can develop in various parts of your body. A Morton's neuroma is the type that's most likely to develop in your foot.

A Morton's neuroma, also known as an intermetatarsal neuroma, occurs between your third and fourth toes. Neuromas can also develop in other areas of your foot.

What are the symptoms of a neuroma?

You probably won't notice any visible sign of a neuroma. Instead, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Feeling like you're standing on a marble
  • Burning pain in the ball of your foot
  • Numbness or tingling in your toes

Neuroma symptoms usually begin gradually and may even subside temporarily when you remove your shoes or massage your foot.

What causes a neuroma?

Anything that causes nerve compression or irritation can lead to the development of a neuroma. Wearing shoes with high heels or a tapered toe box is a common cause of neuromas. Sports that require wearing tight footwear like ski boots and rock climbing shoes also increase your risk for a neuroma.

Additionally, repetitive high-impact activities like running and jogging can put excess strain on your foot, increasing your chances of getting a neuroma. Certain foot deformities, including flat feet, bunions, and hammertoes, can also increase your risk.

How is a neuroma diagnosed?

First, the team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery examines your foot and thoroughly reviews your symptoms. They may put pressure on your foot to try to reproduce the pain and symptoms.

They may also take X-rays to rule out other conditions that may cause your symptoms, such as a stress fracture or arthritis.

How is a neuroma treated?

The team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery recommends the best course of treatment for you. Depending on the severity of your condition, neuroma treatment may include:

  • Changing your footwear
  • Icing the foot
  • Padding techniques
  • Foot orthotics
  • Activity modification
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Injection therapy

If nonsurgical treatment isn't effective, the team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery may recommend a surgical treatment like decompression surgery or nerve removal.

For expertise in treating neuromas, call New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery or request an appointment online today.

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