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(804) 934-9340

Foot and Ankle Surgery

Why would I need foot and ankle surgery?

There are a number of foot and ankle conditions that can become severe enough to require surgery. These conditions can include:

The podiatry team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery first focuses on non-surgical therapies to treat foot and ankle conditions. However, if conservative therapies aren't enough to improve your condition, they can determine if you're a candidate for surgery.

How do I prepare for foot and ankle surgery?

During your initial consultation for foot and ankle surgery, the podiatry team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery discusses what to expect during your procedure. They provide guidance that helps you get ready for your surgery, such as not eating and drinking for several hours before your appointment.

The team can also tell you what to expect during your recovery. You should make arrangements ahead of time to be off from work and other activities. Someone will need to drive you home after surgery and help you get settled as you start your recovery.

How long does it take to recover from foot and ankle surgery?

Everyone heals differently after surgery. Your recovery time will depend on the type of surgery you have and your general health.

You can expect to spend time resting with your foot and ankle elevated during your initial recovery. The New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery team may recommend physical therapy in the weeks after your procedure to help you heal faster and more efficiently.

You may need to wear bandages, splints, or a cast for several weeks after your surgery. When you're ready to put weight on your leg, you may benefit from the use of supportive devices like a cane, crutches, or foot orthotics.

The podiatry team will help you schedule follow-up visits to monitor your recovery process and the healing of the surgical site. They can determine when it's safe for you to return to work and your usual routine based on your recovery process.

To find out if you're a candidate for foot and ankle surgery, call the office of New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery nearest to you today or request an appointment online.

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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm