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Foot And Ankle Fractures

What are foot and ankle fractures?

Fractures are broken bones. Your foot consists of 26 bones, any one of which can sustain a fracture. Your ankle joint is where your foot connects to the two bones of your lower leg. The three bones of your ankle include the lower parts of your tibia and fibula and the talus, a small bone that sits between your leg bones and heel bone.

Foot and ankle fractures range in severity from a bone that shatters into multiple pieces to a hairline crack, known as a stress fracture. The team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery has extensive experience treating all types of foot and ankle fractures.

What are the signs and symptoms of foot and ankle fractures?

Most fractures cause severe pain immediately following the injury. One exception is stress fractures, which develop gradually as a result of overuse.

Aside from pain, foot and ankle fractures can cause symptoms like swelling, bruising, tenderness to the touch, and a noticeable deformity. You likely won't be able to bear weight on the injured foot.

How are foot and ankle fractures diagnosed and treated?

First, the team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery asks how the injury occurred and discusses your symptoms and medical history. They carefully examine your foot, ankle, and lower leg. If they suspect a fracture, they may use X-ray imaging to confirm a diagnosis and evaluate the extent of the injury.

Then, they create an individualized treatment plan based on the type, location, and severity of your fracture. Mild fractures typically heal with nonsurgical treatments like immobilization in a cast or brace. You may need to use an assistive device like crutches to avoid putting weight on the injured foot or ankle.

If your fracture is severe or complex, you may need surgery. The team at New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery may use screws, plates, or bone grafting techniques to reconstruct your foot and ankle with proper support. Physical therapy is an essential part of recovery following foot and ankle surgery.

For advanced care of foot and ankle fractures, call New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery or request an appointment online today.

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